Karachi-trip shopping list:
Vitamins C, E, and Calcium- For healthy immunity, skin and bones.
Mosquito Repellant- For the preservation of sanity and dignity :::scratch scratch scratch:::
Anti-Itch Cream- Because mosquito repellant never works anyway.
Bar of White Chocolate- To keep up troop morale during said shopping excursion
Warm Fuzzy Chenille Shawls [2]- For the aunts
Suits For all Unmarried Girl Cousins [3]- The rest [14] were married off a long time ago.
Boardgame- Risk. To pacify and amuse the beloved Mongol hordes (nieces and nephews)
Chess- To pacify and amuse myself while simultaneously boring Aniraz.
Strawberry Ice-Cream Cone For Daddy- Returning yesterday’s favor.
Dental Floss- To fix hole in last suitcase in the house. The rest [8] are currently in circulation abroad.
Wrapping Paper- For aforementioned gifts, purple kitties, pink flowers, yellow smileys
Obnoxious Eid Cards- Bus karo, aur kitna khaogay. Eid ka din, kya hospital jaogay? Translation: Stop, how much more are you gonna eat? You planning to spend Eid in the hospital or what?
Toothpaste- Momma sez: brush your teeth every day or they will fall out and decay.
Disposable Socks- I don’t expect any of them to make it home anyway.
Sweaters- because it’s cold at night.
Summer shirts- because it’s still hot in the day.
Antacids- Pakoras pakoras pakoras. *urp*
Bandaids- go three weeks without hurting myself? Yeah, right.
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