Wednesday, June 09, 2004bloggerbot test pic. Testing, testing, check Hammie, one two three.. Well, I'm being bad today. And there's watermelon in my lap. It leapt off my fork. *geronimo!* After a long and boring wait for my mother at the dentist's office this morning, I sped off to Chai's house to chill with literaunty and ismo. (oh, and you too Chai). I came home at a reasonable time but I brought Ismo with me, and we played about two solid hours of video games while eating shameful amounts of gingersnaps. After dropping Ismo off, Aniraz and I went to the tailor and then went shopping, where we bought: cloth thread a pair of shoes No french fries (boy was I disappointed) After coming home at 9:30 we had dinner and I have been lounging about the house ever since. Lounging isn't a morally reprehensible act in and of itself, but when you consider how steeped I am in old emails, pressing housework and dirty laundry, such laziness could be counted as major domestic sin. So I've done absolutely nothing productive today. Maybe I should take the watermelon out of my lap. Or maybe not. |
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