Gone fishing. Sensei will be back after Dec 3rd. Till then, love, peace and chikken grease!
Ma'Assalam :)
By The Steeds
By the steeds and the sparks of their hooves
I am, to my Lord, an ungrateful horse
Here I stand tethered without any rope
Without any harness except that of hope
Free and unbridled I’m told I may roam
With nothing to stop me from running from home
And nothing to stop me from seeing the others
Far horses afield, my long astray brothers
And though there are times that my ungrateful gaze
May lead me to wish I could wander and graze
My heart, it remembers deceptive fair weather
And darkness and fear I found far from my tether
And the poisonous fruit that made me so ill
And the pained journey home on nothing but will
By the steeds.
And their thundering hooves.
To my Lord, I will be, a most patient horse.
For love of him I need no rope
For fear of him I have my hope
Foolish are those who would yet choose to roam
When light and plenty are here and at home
Though still nothing stops me from seeing the others
I’ve no intent to join my lost brothers
From the earth to the heavens I now turn my gaze
And look to this grass only to graze
No matter how lonely, how cold the weather,
By the steeds, I wander no more from my tether.
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