*opens envelope*
none other than...
*blinks charmingly into camera*
KarrvaKarela! For his on-the-spot diagnosis of nueralgia. Technically, it's Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia, which is the blessedly less painful cousin of a disease "universally considered to be the most painful affliction known to medical practice."
Don't freak out, I have the lesser-known, less severe cousin. Mine's atypical in that I don't have sudden intense flashes of lightening in my head, I have a week-long hippopotamus convention meeting on the side of my face instead. Alhamdulillah, I feel fine. Really. I think I'm typing this for the benefit of Owlie, who looks more peturbed than I do whenever I get sick. But that's why I love her. :)
So yeah, painkillers for me. This should go away eventually InshaAllah. No biggie. :) I just can't seem to do anything normally, he he. My stomach aches are chronic gastritis, my headaches are atypical neuralgia.
What, me normal?
Pick your flavor Amir. You deserve it. :)

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