Khalid's favorite word in the entire world:
This is how it's used. Locate a random item. Find your mother. Hand it to her. Grin expectantly. Mom sez Thank You! and Khalid sez OKAY! and wanders off to find another item.
(Last week I ended up with a pile of shoes in my arms, six or seven pairs deep, each one of which was delivered to me, individually, with an expectant smile and Khalid's squeaky little Okay!)
Khalid has started to copy words pretty consistently in therapy- like Up, and On, and Cup, but the only word he's using of his own volition (and within his own personal context) is Okay!
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.
Also, there's another use for the word 'Okay!' Khalid and I, during our hour-long drive to therapy in the morning, have conversations that go like this:
Khalid (watching me expectantly from his car seat): Ah, ah, Okay!
Me: Okay!
(Khalid beams and wait a few seconds while basking in the glow of successful conversation. Then he looks to me again and says...)
Khalid: Ah, ah- Okay?
Me: Okay!
And we continue like this, through Abu Dhabi territory, past Jebel Ali, cruising into Dubai, zipping through our morning commute and sharing deep and meaningful and beautiful words like Okay.
Best. Word. In. The. World.
Labels: Autism, BebeFiles
The Husbandfiles: A compilation of non-traditional ways of responding to 'I Love You."

I love you.
I know.
I love you!
Yeah, me too!
I love you.
I love you so much...
And I love you a little more than that.
I love you more than chocolate cake
Are you sure? Because last I checked, chocolate cake loves me alot...
Labels: HusbandFiles
What, us nocturnal again?

Iman is taking a tour of the living room right now. By herself. Her commando-crawl skills have really picked up in the last few days, and despite being sick and having an ear infection, she still enjoys a good reconnaissance mission over to the corner of the sofa or the edge of the carpet so she can stare intently at its patterns. At the moment, she's crinkling a grocery list that she discovered under the coffee table.
It's been a pediatric quarantine-athon here at home, Khalid had a week of high fever followed by a cough, and as soon as he go better, Iman started down the same viral road. She's just getting over
her week of high fever, and is on antibiotics for an ear infection as well. Me, I woke up two days ago sounding like a chain-smoking truck driver, which is typical for me when I get a cold. Now it's my turn to be sick, and in addition to sounding like a truck driver, I also feel like I've been
beaten by a truck driver.
It's 1:30 am right now, and Iman wakes up when she can't breathe properly (which has been every night for the last week) out of her nose. She's running out of steam now, and I hope we can be in bed within another twenty minutes InshaAllah. Oh, good news! I almost forgot to blog this! *smacks forehead with keyboard* Four days ago,
Khalid made the sign for hat! He patted his head, put the hat on it, and then made the sign again! That's the first sign or form of communication he's ever made with us, apart from saying 'socks' once, and I was nearly doing cartwheels! I am so excited, and so looking forward to being able to communicate with him! Please make dua that this progress continues. There have been so many changes in his behavior since we started therapy, and it's only been three weeks! InshaAllah, InshaAllah, InshaAllah! Alhamdulillah!
Oh, Iman's starting to cry and pull her ears, so it's time for me rescue her and take her to bed. Gtg!
Labels: BebeFiles