Werkin it

Or at the very least, werkin.
There are four more days until HF returns, and I've found that the best way to make time go faster is to attach it to a deadline. See, if I focus on HF's return alone for the 29th, then time drags its feet and twiddles it thumbs and dawdles all over the dang place. However, if I, say... take a copywriting job on ridiculously short notice that must be completed the 28th, then suddenly time picks its feet up and starts hurdle-jumping over the little lines that divide days in my monthly planner. Because time is annoying like that.
So I've picked up the job for the >>Large Hoity-Toity Food Conference Name Here<< that right now involves rewriting their brochures, then their posters, and then their banners, etc. Alhamdulillah for the work. Now if only I could get Bebeface to agree with the schedule. See, if I could get him to change his own diaper, then I could finish this paragraph and be done with the page. However, according to the Babycenter.com calendar of developmental milestones, Khalid is a long way off from that, so far off, in fact, that it's not even mentioned on the Year One page. Maybe it's on Year Two? Developmental milestones are annoying like that.
Off we go, Bebeface Beckons.
It serves me right, blogging while I should have been focusing on work. I finished 80% of my work- and then lost it and now I have to start all over again. rassafrassa...
What a bummer!!! That's worse then changing a stinky nappy.
that sucks.
hey does it say anywhere that they potty-train themselves? because now THAT would be a real development milestone. haha.
Losing 80% of work after completing it. Hmmm.. sounds very much like the computer systems at the *insert name of organization I work for* (personally i'd prefer if you put icecream land). You get it all done and think, right now I can go raid that chocolate box on Janet's desk (she always has chocolate, bless her cotton socks) and then the computer freezes, you throw a hissy fit and start all over again....
Wow that last comment of mine was all over the place... sorry... i'm still tryin to make sense of it too..
Little irrelevant... but did you write this?
(V. good, btw, if you did)
I was looking for your poems and tried Google - and this came up.
It's quite a coincidence if you didn't write it.
OMG I'm so tired I almost forgot how to spell "write". I had to think about it this time too.
Yes, I did write that, and the place where I keep all the poultry online is here http://www.poemhunter.com/zeba-khan/
and don't worry, I can never spell right write. :D
I wonder why that says "anonymous"... c'était moi, Saira, qui vous l'ai demandé.
Kewwwwl... wow, don't you find it strange to come across things you wrote years ago on the net? Or has your fame and fortune desensitised you to pesky inquisitive commenters on your work by now?
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Hmm, last I checked, stuff I have written has resulted in neither fame nor fortune, but rather an interesting and something embarrassing history of everything that comes out of my pie-hole. I've been in the online world for several years now, and have been blogging since 2003, and what I have gotten (again, neither fame nor fortune) is a hard lesson in 'think before you type, think again before you publish.'
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