AbezAbez Is... 50% White, 50 % Pakistani, Muslim Hijab-wearing type female, Daughter of Momma, Sister of Owlie Wife of HF, Momma of Khalid, a special little boy with Autism, and Iman, a special little girl with especially big hair, Writer, Graphic Designer, Editor, Freelancer, Blogger, Inhaler of Chocolate
Right Brain Left Brain Islam poetry
Mortal Wounds BebeFiles Husbandfiles

My sister, De Owl

My Husband, who never updates!

Mona, who I don't visit enough

Hemlock, who I don't hug enough

Baji, the orginal robot monkey pirate

Prometheus, who buts brains to blog about Autism

Socrates, a blogger with Asperger's

Jo, a funnier Autism mom with a great blog

Autism Watch-  for logic-based information

ASAT- Assosciation for Science in Autism Treatments

Quack Watch- for current news and info on all sort of medical treatments

Expat Women Blog Directory

My Cousin- really, he's my cousin.  Wish he would update more.


Friday, October 17, 2008

You guys...

If I'm not responding to my comments it's because I feel... embarrassed.

I am not brave, I am not strong, I am not amazing.

I alternate between insane optimism and resigned dread.

I am not the Super-Mom of a Special-Needs Child, I am the "So, how do we cope today?" type.

I am pushing forward because the only way out is through.

Still. It's warm and fuzzy to feel believed in though.



At 17/10/08 4:11 AM, Blogger baj said...

just because you are insanely optimistic and resigned with dread doesn't mean you aren't brave/strong/amazing. they are not mutually exclusive and despite your embarrassment, true just the same. perhaps you have no choice but to be strong and cope, but there it is. so says yer baji. now shut it and accept the praise and support and love heading your way. :D

At 17/10/08 10:03 PM, Blogger baj said...

sorry if that came out badly. you know i have nothing but du'as, well wishes, and lowve for ye, right?

At 18/10/08 2:30 PM, Blogger Abez said...

I understand what ye meant Cap'n Baji :) You may lovingly scold me any time, that's what Baji's are for. :)

At 18/10/08 11:47 PM, Blogger Saira said...

You should also add "sweet" to that list. :)

At 20/10/08 8:32 AM, Blogger Anjum said...

you are certainly believed in, and prayed for. i hope coping gets easier each day, insha'Allah.. i didnt comment on the earlier posts, iwas so stunned to hear it. but you, waleed, khalid, and iman have been in my duas. much love, abez.

At 20/10/08 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've been reading your blog since like-forever, though I hardly comment. May Allah grant you guys patience and the ability to deal with this situaion in the best possible manner.

At 22/10/08 7:55 AM, Blogger Mona said...

you are, you are, you are. and what baj said.


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