Almost... there...
In an hour and a half, bebeface and I (who have endured a whirlwind vacation that's included Chicago, ISNA, Indianapolis, Amtrak, DC, and a horrible flu) will hop a taxi to Dulles airport, where we will cram our snotty, exhausted, and congested but happy selves onto an Air France flight back home, InshaAllah.Then, there will be much rejoicing, as well as resting, and afterwards, there will be blogging.
Laters, Alligators
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only 9 more months until your next visit inshaALlah :)
it was great to meet you & khalid! hope to see you sometime again soon. safe travels!
huzzah! glad to hear you guys reached home safe and sound! i'A, our next meeting together will involve many more hugs and much fewer tissues and drugs. or not. ;) xoxox
haw hai! that was me (baji) not you (you)! methinks you were signed onto my compy whilst visiting and ne'er signed oot and aboot.
Assalamu Alaikum. I pray you have a blessed Ramadan.
JazakAllah you guyses for the Ramadan & well wishes :)
Baji, I realized that must not have been me, generally messages I leave to myself in my sleep tend to involve the refrigerator, munching, and lots of ZzzZzzz's :p
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