And... we're back!
AssalamuAlaikum EveryBodies!-phew- Ok, so here's a very quick rundown of what's happening, which I promise to follow with a more detailed travelogue post soon InshaAllah.
Khalid and I are finally nearly normal- he came back with the flu, and I came back with bronchitis, and spent many hot cold snotty miserable lead-lunged days sleeping it off. I say we're nearly normal because we're not quite there yet- Khalid is still on a time zone other than this one, and combine that with my highly unsuccessful attempts to straighten him out, and you've got a baby who's going to sleep every night at nine and waking up at 4 am.
We. Are. So. Tired.
Neither of us is properly rested, and instead of his normal sleep schedule of 12 hours at night and a 3 hour nap in the middle of the day, he's sleeping seven hours at night and five hours in the middle of the afternoon. The less he sleeps, the lighter he sleeps, waking often, waking cranky, and wanting nothing but Momma's lap.
So yeah, we are still recovering, please make dua for us, we're collectively wiped out and desperately need rest. Oh, and Ramadan Kareem!
Down but not out,
oh my. inshaAllah you'll be back into your routines soon. :)
Bronchitis? Thats horrible. My younger bro had asthama as a child. Allergies. It was horrible not being able to do anything when he would be suffocating. He got over it when he was 18 or something. Bad bad bad. :( I hope you get well soon! Duas and Muahs! haha
Oh!!!! I'm telling you, have Mr Tech Husband install an off button in that child.
Miss you sir. No one to make Ramadan gingerbread with. :(
i wouldn't complain about the 9 pm to 4am timings in ramadan, no? thats the schedule i run on and wish hana would accomodate me.
Wa 'alaikum assalaam!
Ramadan Mubarak!
And I pray that you two recover fully soon - you know what? I got pneumonia in the summer once. Who'da known it was possible?
Hope you are both getting more rest. Take care of yourself. Love, Momma
PS: Bake some gingerbread, it's comfort food.
Ramadan Kareem sis... been eons since I've been around.. hope insha'Allah you both get well soon... Regards to HF and love to Bebeface :)
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