Beware of Nocturnal Baby
We're playing the sleep deprivation game again. Today I woke Khalid up at 10 am, rather early considering his bedtimes for the last week and a half have been around Fajr. And I feel all wobbly and tired, but gosh darnit we are not staying nocturnal!-zonk-
ohh, i hope Khalid crashed early last night and slept through.
And that you're both still in bed right now (9 AM).
he sleeps at about the same time as zp. too bad kh isn't in our time zone. ;)
I saw a commercial about baby johnson's soothing baby bath or something that is supposed to make the baby sleep longer in a more routinely manner. I thought of Khalid and you. May Allah grant you both some sweet restful nights, ameen.
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